Monday, January 29, 2007

A Visit from the 5th graders from Hawkins Elementary

We had a wonderful visit from over 60 5th graders from Hawkins Elementary School. They were a curious yet well behaved lot. They loved being recorded and being played back on the air, but from what I could tell they really enjoyed the Engineering/Internet Technology room full of all the computer servers, wire and high tech gizmos that light up. One kid proclaimed, "I could play some serious games with all this".

Sunny 106.5 has been giving tours to Boy/Girls Scouts, and schools for decades. I have been a tour guide since 1997 and I love every minute of it. I have to say that the 5th graders from Hawkins Elementary School were the most well behaved and the politest that I have encountered yet. They're all just cute at that age. They were a VERY smart group. NONE of them wanted to grow up and be D.J.s. I told you they were smart. :-)

Good job teachers and thanks to Mrs. Cathy Kelley ( I hope I spelled your name correctly)

You wanna hear something of the kids was named John Schneider. He is also on the second six weeks A/B honor roll. YOU GO JOHN!

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