Sunday, April 1, 2007

Look who else locked themselves out of their truck.

Our good friend Don Jones (morning guy from 104.1 The Ranch) was plagued by mischievious pixies, just like Sunny's Rick Evans was a few weeks back.....So we called Brent, once again, from Lock-Doc to save the day.
If you see this have probably locked your keys in your car.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hogg Middle School's Make Your Own Radio Show

Students from Hogg Middle School spent time in one of our production rooms today, as they learned the fine art of broadcasting. They were putting the finishing touches on a radio program that was written, produced and performed by the students as part of a special program.

Special thanks to the ladies that made it happen.

Josh Groban in Concert at The American Airlines Center in Dallas

WOW! WOW! WOW! What an AWESOME Concert. And I thought that he was great back in 2004. He just got BETTER. The American Airlines Center in Dallas is a terrific venue and I found the folks that work there to be very helpful and professional. David Carpenter, if you are reading this, thank you for keeping it real.

All I can say is that if you ever get the chance to see Josh in concert....GO! He sounds one hundred times better in person. You get goose pimples when he sings. I am sorry that my photos inside did not turn out very well. I have a LOT of blurry pics of the Joshter.

Thanks to Pam Mayfield and some of the ladies from (Friends Of Josh Groban) for the additional photos. I am glad that SOMEONE had a camera that worked.

PS. Hi Cheryl Graham listening via the internet in Plano. You are a TRUE Grobanite.

Angelique Kidjo ( opened for Josh and she is ABSOLUTELY AWESOME. She is a four time Grammy nominated performer from Ouidah, Benin in West Africa. It borders Togo to the west,Nigeria to the east and Burkina Faso and Niger to the north.
The cowboy hat was given to Josh during the concert. It looks gooooood on Angelique. She is spicy, baby. We like her.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I look GOOOOOOD in a Porsche Boxster

It just feels good. Did you take the picture? Okay, I 'm gone again. Zoom Zoom

Thursday, March 1, 2007

Taste of Home Cooking School

What a great time we had at the Taste of Home Cooking School at Maude Cobb in Longview on Wedneday night. Jamie Dunn did such an awesome job cooking and teaching us a thing or two about cooking. Lots of prizes were handed out and we ate WAY too much food. I can't wait until next year.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Judge NOT...unless it is at a Chili Cook-Off.

My good buddy Doc Deason is always full of great surprises. When he asked me if I would stand (sit) in for him at a local CASI ( sanctioned Chili Cook-Off for the East Texas Chili Pod, I said, DUH! If there is food, yours truly is there. DJs are like college students. Promise us some free food and we will do "just about" anything.

It was fun to spend the afternoon surrounded by good friends and good chili at the The Rose City Mid Winter Cookoff.
I had the chance to meet and hang out with Dana Plocheck; who is the 2006 Terlingua Champion. Check out that award. Now THAT is a chili pepper.

Showin' me the ropes of judging was NBC 56's ( Bob Brackeen (weekdays at 5am & 11am)

Friday, February 23, 2007

I made a "Purple Pig" of myself.

So, the other night, as I was driving home to the country, I decided to drop in and see our good friends at the Purple Pig on Hwy 155 just before you get to the Brookshire's in Flint. They cater a lot of our events and you just can't beat some of the best Barbecue in the state. What's that you say? You have never been to the "Purple Pig"? Well you better get a move on. Tell 'em that Rodd Wayne sentcha'.

Here I am with Deb, Shane and the gang. I had to wear my fat suit just to make sure that I had plenty of room for ribs, brisket and the best barbecue sausage. I actually finished my whole plate. They had to put my hiney in a wheel barrow and help me out to the car, but it was worth it.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

On The Wings Of Love...Cupid Is On His Way.

Well who else is dumb enough to dress up like Cupid and go flying around East Texas dropping off goodies and showin' some love? When our team had the idea for me to do this, I wish they hadn't had it. I know that these pictures will haunt me for the rest of my life, but to put a smile on your face is well worth it. Look for Cupid at your office soon.

So far, Cupid has drawn his arrow and shot some love through the hearts of listeners all over East Texas. Our first stop was to bring some love to Cynde Frizell at Azalea Orthopedic in Tyler.

From there, he spread his wings and flew over to Regions Bank on the Loop in Tyler to drop off some awesome gifts for Shirley Geizler from Bath Junkie in Tyler, (Thank you Connie) delicious treats from Fresh Fruit Bouquet Company in the Bergfeld Shopping Center in Tyler and a REALLY COOL balloon bouquet from Balloons With A Twist. The Master Balloon Artist himself, David McCullough, has actually been the keeper for Cupid (Rodd Wayne). He has been creating amazing balloon creatures and flowers at every stop. THANK YOU DAVID!. We could not do it without you. Check out his website at
Cupid dropped in to have lunch at one of his favorite places (No it is not Wing Stop. Good guess though). The familiar faces at Chili's on the loop in Tyler were glad to have the winged messenger of love drop in for a Cobb Salad. Cupid's alter ego (Rodd Wayne) is en ex Chili-Head and LOVES him some Chili's. Sizzle for me baby!

Cupid decided to fly on over the BScene Magazine headquarters and give Shawn Haney, President and CEO of BScene ( and H3 Media a free arrow for Valentine's. It was Shawn who gave Cupid some pointers on love and wooing. Cupid took notes and will apply these techniques on his next mission. Are you sure that a football game and a six-pack is the way to win a woman's heart? Well, Shawn seemed like he knew what he was talking about, so Cupid is going to go with it.

On Thursday, Cupid flew into Longview and spread some love at the Gregg County District Clerk's office. Leann Duke and the gang were a little surprised to see Cupid land on their desks, but oh how happy they were when they got their gifts.

Up, up and away! Cupid was off again and just a hop, skip and a jump away he landed at Heartsway Hospice of North East Texas. These ladies do such wonderful work and it was their boss, Executive Director Ed Arneson, who sent in the fax. What a great boss and what a sweet group of ladies.

Cupid decided to drop in on Sunny's sister station "KYKX 105.7 East Texas Best Country". He hung out with Paula Prince and Brandon Michael from the mid-day show and afternoon show, respectivley, as well as the Longview East Texas Radio Group staff. They are the best.

He then went next door to Big Dave's Barbecue and pigged out. (Flying makes you hungry.) Sorry there are no pictures, folks. You DO NOT want to see the carnage of Cupid gettin' serious with some ribs. That boy can put away some groceries.

It was a Fantastic Friday. Cupid was off to Jacksonville. His first stop was at Trinity Mother Frances Clinic to "Check-up" on Lisa Pierce. The ladies in the clinic promised to help her eat all those delicious chocolate dipped strawberries. Cupid offered to eat a few as well. Who says that he didn't already eat a few on the way there? So, maybe he licked the chocolate off of a few. So what. (Just kidding).

After getting a clean bill of health, it was off to learn a thing or two. Cupid's next surprise visit would be at Jacksonville Middle School where Becky, Susan and Martha were busy taking attendance until a winged figure flew through their door.

Teachers and staff came from all over to see what the commotion was. Naturally, the students showed up to get a good laugh at the winged messenger of love.

On the way back to Tyler, Cupid got hungry again. Having listened to the sage advice of his friend Bessie (The Cow that jumped over the moon) he decided to "Eat Mor Chikin", so he stopped into the Chick-fil-A on South Broadway in Tyler. He got a number 4. It was difficult eating, because he had to stop to take a lot of pictures. Oh, the life of a mythological-celebrity.

Thank you to Ed King. Lunch was on him. Thank you to the manager, Dian, for bringing Cupid some ice cream. YUMMY! It made it hard to take off after that, but he made it.

The final stop on Friday was to the KLTV7 studios to see East Texas' Sweetheart; Gillian Sheridan. Sunny wanted to say thank you to Gillian for all of her support for our events and especially for all that she does for the American Cancer Society. She is this years chairman for the Cattle Barron's Gala.

Who is that in the background of Gillian's newscast?

Cupid was able to check with KLTV7 Chief Meteorologist Mark Scirto and find out what the flying weather would be like and he got to "pose" in front of the of the famous green weather screen. "Mark said I could" Get it?

Oralia Ortega summoned Cupid over for a photo op. I think that she stole Cupid's heart. What a cutie. Just as smart, talented and sweet as she is beautiful. (For legal purposes it must be disclosed that she paid me to say these things...though they are true.)

On Monday, Cupid took flight again. His first stop was to see the fine folks at the Stewart Regional Blood Center. They do such good work.

Today's target of Cupids arrow was to be Jan Decker, a long time listener who has been very nice to the Sunny staff. All the ladies were swept off their feet. That's what Cupid does.

To find out how you can give the gift of life (the ultimate Valentine's Day gift) log on to

Cupid's next stop on Monday was to see Cathy Larson at Threkeld & Company Insurance in Tyler. Cathy had shared a wodnerful story about how she met her husband and they were married on Valentine's Day 33 years ago.

Cupid took Tuesday off to get ready or the BIG DAY...VALENTINE'S.
The first stop on Valentine's Day was to Brown Elementary in Whitehouse. Valerie Durst, the schools secretary was not expecting Cupid to show up with all his goodies. Cupid arrived just minutes before her husband did. He had flowers and was taking her to lunch, but he could not figure out why the winged messenger of love had beat him to her office. So, from his heart encrusted quiver, Cupid drew an arrow of love and shot them both. Love was in the air!

After stopping by a couple of class rooms to say hello, Cupid made sure that the shoe boxes were covered in regulation paper, doiles and hearts. All looked good. His job was done in Whitehouse. Now it is off to his next recipient of love.

Steadily working the phones at the law firm of Roberts & Roberts is how Cupid found Angie Lopez. While she was enjoying her Valentine's Day prizes, Cupid was checking out the quaint English style home that is now the offices for Roberts & Roberts, across the street from Bergfeld Park.

There were some light snow flurries on this Valentine's Day, but that wouldn't stop Cupid from finding ALL of his winners.Rhea said that she didn't think that Cupid would fly all the way out to the boonies, but she was wrong. Cupid dropped off some Valentine's love to Rhea, E'Lisha and Dianne at ABL Services in the boonies.

Long time listener Donna Patillo of Quality Care in Tyler was actually looking at Cupid's picture on the KOOI website when he snuck up behind her in her office and yelled through the mail slot in her door "Caught ya' lookin". She couldn't believe it. Her boss came to see what the ruckus was all about. Apparently Donna controls the radio in the office and it is ALWAYS on Sunny 106.5. Well, Donna your faithfullness paid off.

After Cupid's last stop, he noticed that he had to spread some love to a certain lonely camel. A cupid's job is never done. Hey is that a cell phone on cupid's waist? Even Cupid has gone hi-tech.

Well, that wraps up this years escapades for our beloved winged messenger of love. Remember, he is ALWAYS around spreading love somewhere. Look for him again next Valentine's Day to drop by your office.

One final request was made of Cupid and he could hardly say no. The Tyler Public Library asked Cupid to read to a group of head start kids. He read his favorite books...The Lady With The Alligator Purse, Underwear and The Frog in the Bog. Special thanks to Evelyn James for putting it together and for having such wonderful programs at the library.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Are you one of the few who can read this?

I Cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae.The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs rpsoet it.tihs is petrty cool!

Monday, January 29, 2007

A Visit from the 5th graders from Hawkins Elementary

We had a wonderful visit from over 60 5th graders from Hawkins Elementary School. They were a curious yet well behaved lot. They loved being recorded and being played back on the air, but from what I could tell they really enjoyed the Engineering/Internet Technology room full of all the computer servers, wire and high tech gizmos that light up. One kid proclaimed, "I could play some serious games with all this".

Sunny 106.5 has been giving tours to Boy/Girls Scouts, and schools for decades. I have been a tour guide since 1997 and I love every minute of it. I have to say that the 5th graders from Hawkins Elementary School were the most well behaved and the politest that I have encountered yet. They're all just cute at that age. They were a VERY smart group. NONE of them wanted to grow up and be D.J.s. I told you they were smart. :-)

Good job teachers and thanks to Mrs. Cathy Kelley ( I hope I spelled your name correctly)

You wanna hear something of the kids was named John Schneider. He is also on the second six weeks A/B honor roll. YOU GO JOHN!